Don't get me wrong. I like lemonade. In fact, I love it. But when life hands me a bunch of lemons, sometimes that cool refreshing …
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Don't get me wrong. I like lemonade. In fact, I love it. But when life hands me a bunch of lemons, sometimes that cool refreshing …
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If you're like me, you often find yourself shaking your head over the way things work (and don't work) in Washington, D.C. The …
Ever since the first salespeople walked the earth, companies have been trying to one-up their competition. Plenty of ancillary …
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The sarcasm of the illustration here aside, nobody ever wants to hear bad news, especially when it concerns the company supplying …
We all have pet peeves. Lately, one of mine has been rearing its ugly head as I read articles online and watch the news. It's the …
I've just spent the past six weeks in Florida, a mix of business and pleasure. In advance of the trip, I was a bit concerned. The …
I sat glued to my television this weekend as the Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots treated millions of fellow sports fans …
One of my favorite holidays as a kid was Halloween. Each year I'd plan out my costume in detail. And when I say "detail," I mean …
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Ever had one of those weeks where you wanted to crawl under a rock? No one would have blamed the folks at Pendennis if they had …
When I was a kid, there was a popular joke about an airplane with four parachutes but five people, including a hippie, a priest, …